Meet the Team

At Phamily Health & Wellness, we pride ourselves on having a highly experienced and knowledgeable team of practitioners who offer both Manual Osteopathic therapy and massage. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for our clients in the Maple Ridge area, and we strive to build strong relationships with each client to ensure they receive the best possible treatment.

Our practitioners have extensive experience assisting clients with various ailments and conditions, from muscular pain to joint mobility issues. We understand that everyone is unique, which is why we take the time to listen to your needs and provide tailored treatments that work best for you.

We invite you to meet the members of our team and get to know them better.

Huong Pham

Huong Pham

Massage & Manual Osteopathic Therapy

I find the human body facinating, delicate, and constantly changing. As a therapist, my purpose is to restore alignment, allowing the body to find its own balance. Like other therapists, I listen attentively to my clients and follow the body's guidance. My one-on-one sessions are cherished moments where I can dedicate all my attention to their well-being.

My clients seek improved health and a higher quality of life; and I strive to support them by minimising their pain and discomfort. Witnessing their progress week after week is the most rewarding compliment they can give me. From the limitations they faced upon their arrival to their current achievements, the transformation is remarkable. I know they are satisfied when they refer their loved ones, enabling me to form stronger bonds with my clients and creating a sense of extended family.

Like my clients, my family holds a special place in my heart. We enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, or simply taking leisurely walks with our beloved dog.


Andrew Pham

Massage Therapy

I have been a practitioner at the Maple Ridge clinic for two years, and I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. In my time as a practitioner, I have developed proficiency in Manual Osteopathic therapy and massage techniques. On top of that, I am constantly learning new things and continuously striving to expand my skill set.

Outside of work, I enjoy reading, watching films, playing video games and staying active through running and walking – though not on a serious level. Every once in a while, I’ll challenge someone to a game of badminton too!

Above all else, helping people learn how to take care of themselves, through massage, is what brings me the most satisfaction. Schools don't usually teach these things or only provide limited access to them. So knowing that I can help someone feel better, after managing their discomfort, is tremendously rewarding for me.

Phamily Health & Wellness is dedicated to providing professional therapeutic services that help you feel your best. Whether you're looking for a one-time session or ongoing care, our team of practitioners would be honoured to assist you in achieving your wellness goals! Do you have questions? Visit our FAQ page or contact us, and we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have before booking your appointment.

Get started with Phamily, today.